By bestuur on donderdag 18 mei 2023
Category: ITSF

Player access to Coral at World Series by Bonzini (copy 01)

We are proud to announce that Coral will make its official major tournament debut at this year’s ITSF World Series by Bonzini.

Please note that this is the first time we’re testing Coral under real tournament-conditions. Several features still require adjustments and some might not be fully operational, we thank you in advance for your understanding. You will find below detailed information for the smoother running of the tournament.


What does this mean for you as a player attending the World Series?

In addition to the player stations present in the venue, you can introduce match results and view the  progress of the competitions simply by logging into Coral on your mobile phone browser.


How to log in

The web address you want to remember is: 

If you are a player registered with FFFT (the French Federation) or BFA (the British Federation) you should be using your existing Coral account.


If you are not registered to the above-mentioned federations, you can access this link to initiate your password recovery: Use the email that was provided by the person who registered you (the one we’re sending this email to ) to set as a recovery account. Then check your email for a message from Coral. Make sure to also check your junk or spam folder just in case.



Access the tournament player experience

Once logged in, you’ll see a pop-up modal with the list of your upcoming tournaments. You can choose the World Series by Bonzini tournament. 

If you closed the pop-up, no worries. On your player profile, under the tournaments section, you can access World Series by Bonzini.


Thursday, May 18, 2023 - 02:00
Originele auteur: admin