New tournaments were accepted ! 

- One is in Bratislava, Slovakia, it's called Championships of Region Bratislava 2017/18 and it's coming up on May 04th-06th 2018 ! All the information on the tournament here.


- Other one is in Trnava, Slovakia, and it's called Championships or Region Trnava 2017/18. It's coming up on February 17th-18th 2018 ! All the information on the tournament here.


- Another one in Bratislava, Slovakia, called Multitable Pro Tour 2017/18. It's coming up on March 02nd-04th 2018 ! All the information on the tournament here.


- The last one is in Kosice, Slovakia, it's called Slovak Championships 2018. It's coming up from May, 31st until June, 3rd 2018 ! All the information on the tournament here.


All the dates, results, and tournaments accepted on the ITSF 2017 & 2018 tour can be found here.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017 - 16:00
Originele auteur: admin