The ITSF Executive Committee will meet on Tuesday 3rd November 2021 to discuss the current situation and to prepare next ITSF Season.


The ITSF Executive Committee is willing to repeat its encouragements to foosball players to keep acting with utmost caution, as the spread of the covid-19 virus is increasing again in multiple countries.


This meeting is also the occasion to welcome 4 new Executive Committee observer members: Tomas Fernandez (Spain) President of the Federación Española de Futbolín, Kenneth Dale (Peru) Member of the Apfm Perú, Ilanga Bienvenu (DRC) President of the FECOFOTA - Fédération Congolaise de Football de Table and member of the national parliament, Jules Epotié (Cameroon) President of the Association Sportive Camerounaise de Babyfoot


This co-optation is the opportunity to get more people involved to support federations, with members dedicated to Africa and South America, and to prepare those members as candidates to chair the committee in the future.

We give them a warm welcome and hope that their cooperation will benefit to the ITSF.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - 17:00
Originele auteur: admin