12 Teams took part in one of the biggest events in Bulgaria.
6 Men and 6 Women teams were competing to win the title for the best Bulgarian team by BFF.

A lot of action, positive emotions and precious moments were part of the 4th editionl of the League event in Bulgaria.

Final Ranking Men:

1-st place: Jagoars
2-nd place: The Black Knights
3-rd place: Jago 2
4-th place: Faith
5-th place: Set Square
6-th place: Millennium Eagles

Final Ranking Women:

1-st place: Jagoars
2-nd place: The Academy
3-rd place: Set Square
4-th place: Faith
5-th place: Dilmani
6-th place: Millennium Eagles

Here is a short video of the Team League we organized:
Here is the link to our new Federation Facebook page
Here are some web media articles of the event!


Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 17:45
Originele auteur: bff